Final Journey of the Life towards Death....
Dedicated to the Last Days of Mohammad Abdooh
For the most part of our lives, we do not care to think about death. We are protected by the busyness of our lives, and the idea that we are somehow exempt from death until we reach an advanced age, contract a terminal illness, meet with an accident...or until we face the demise of a loved one. Death points us to the unpredictability and fragility of life - the physical and emotional suffering one undergoes when one faces death can be daunting and despairing. Yet one must not lose hope. No one should have to face the end of life alone, without any support. A dignified and pain-free death is possible, in more ways than one.
A project commissioned by the Singapore Hospice Council and the Lien Foundation, "Last Days of Mohammad Abdooh" aims to provoke us into thinking about end of life issues, and to raise awareness and understanding of the needs of people living with life-limiting diseases and their families. Filmed mostly in Mohammad Abdooh, this documentary consists of bi-monthly episodes that chronicles Mohammad's final journey, and reveals the amazing psyche of the resilient patient fighting the cancer, the tender love that underpins his life and most of all, it shows us the other side of the hospice we are oft times unaware of - the unconditional love and care that has been extended to Mohammad's family during those trying times.
Mohammad has dedicated his last days to us, in the hope that his story will not only transcend all divide among humanity, but it is a story that will inspire us when life delivers a punch too many. Mohammad is an inspiration for the living, the grieving, and the dying. From Mohammad, we learn that we may ever know how our story ends, but we know that love endures all the way to the end....
Let's join Mohammad on his final journey of his life....
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