Inner Sanctuary

A wackie and funkie working in insane place...A little recluse for my soul.

Monday, April 10, 2006

A lazy weekend to be spent ... (Part 2/3)

Last Saturday, i was supposed to meet Jane for humping at Bukit Timah for our regular training. However, it rained unexpectedly and we had to cancel our plan. And also I was not really feeling well as I was down with sore throat and slight fever. So, I needed ample rest so that I did not have to apply for MC leave this Monday though I hoped so. So, that afternoon, I watched Oliver Twist DVD which I bought in Shanghai and I had some sketchy ideas about this Oliver Twist which was written by Charles Dicken, a famed British writer.

After watching this Oliver Twist, it left me a quiet moment to ponder about. Such a poor orphan who had struggled so much in life and eventually, he found his true happiness and love with his adopted family. It chronicled his life from the point when he asked for more broth in an orphanage, his escape from the orphange to London, his encounters with the pickpockets and their leader - Faggin, how he got wrongly implicated in the pickpocket issue, how he met his kind benefactor, Mr Brownslow, to the happy ending on how he managed to escape free from the pickpocket circle to attain his true happiness and new-found love with his new adopted family. And it also spoke volume of Oliver's big heart to show his gratitude to Fagin by visiting him in his cell before he was hung in the square.

Then, that night, I watched another life story about Forrest Gump. It was about a boy whose IQ did not qualify him to study in the mainstream school and how his mother fought to inculcate the lesson that Forrest was not being different from others and he was special in many ways. This story unfolded to show the tapestry of human emotions which included his relationship with his mother, childhood lover, Jenny, his best friends during Vietnam War and the outside world. At the end of this story, it was really a tear-jerking moment when Forrest cried profusely at his newly-wed wife's graveyard. Despite Jenny's numerous rejection of Forrest's love, Forrest's love for Jenny remained stoical and steadfast. Jenny's death causes Forrest to question the nature of life when he asks the question "I don't know if Mama was right or whether it was Lieutenant Dan. I don't know if we each have a destiny laid out for us, or if we're all just floating around on a breeze accidental-like; but maybe it's a little of both."


Blogger Newsandseduction said...

interesting blog ell written.

11:04 AM  

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